Thursday, 25 March 2010

Starting Out... And my lack of Patience

I have 7 weeks before I'm working from a studio. I will be based for the majority in Montana Studio, in Bath.

I'll start my course with Mac McCarthy on the 10th May, I did some research on him, before I decided to train with him. From my discussions with him, and his views on body modification, I'm tempted to have a view of moving further into more complex modifications when I've built a reputation for myself.

Jon Cobb is another interesting person in this field, although from his Wikipedia page, he seems a bit 'airy fairy'.

So now all I have to do is wait. Wait to leave my current job. Wait for my course. I'm not one for waiting!

And reading everything I can find on the subject of piercing, Micro dermal anchors, influential professionals, doesn't make time go any quicker!



  1. heard you were freelancing or setting up a business or something, sounds pretty awsom! if i decide to get anything else pierced ill see if i can track ya down!!

    all the best with your new shizzle :),


  2. Bryan,
    This is a moment to treasure. We will support you all the way.

    "Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses."


    bryan & norah
